正规澳门赌场网络 the Interprofessional 荣誉的区别

The Interprofessional Education 荣誉的区别 (IP Honors) is a 国家认可的微型证书 that recognizes your commitment to excellence in team-based competencies and skills. 

在完成, 您将获得知识产权荣誉证书和微证书(认可程度因学术课程而异), 看到你的 教师的导师 有关详情).


You can apply for IP Honors any time during your matriculation, 但是这些要求必须在毕业前一个月由你的导师完成并批准.





Proof of attendance at three (for undergraduate students) or four (for graduate students) interprofessional事件 是必需的.

CAIEP offers multiple events during each semester. Other events may be approved by your 教师的导师 as meeting IPE requirements.



Each reflection should address one or more of the CAIEP competencies:






与患者沟通, 家庭, 社区, 以及卫生和其他领域的专业人员,以负责任的态度,支持以团队方式促进和维护健康,预防和治疗疾病.


运用建立关系的价值观和团队动态的原则,在不同的团队角色中有效地执行计划, 交付, 评估以患者/人群为中心的护理和安全的人群健康计划和政策, 及时的, 非常高效。, 有效的, 和公平.


Complete an Interprofessional Immersion Project

You must complete an interprofessional project under the guidance of a 教师的导师. 符合浸入式项目的资格, 你必须积极地与来自至少一个专业或学科以外的其他学生互动.

Examples of immersion projects include participation in the 跨专业团队沉浸 (IPTI),跨专业团队解决公共卫生问题(PHIT),跨专业 服务学习项目 (Harm Reduction at the Cumberland County Jail or Maine Department of Corrections), 学生主导的跨专业 Mini-Grant项目,或其他已获批准的项目.

If you are not sure if your project qualifies, or if you are interested in interprofessional research, 给CAIEP发邮件至caiep@tamascandle.net.


You must present the results of your projects in some public form. 这可以在 CAIEP海报会 在每学期结束时,在地方或国家会议或其他经批准的地点提供.


一旦需求完成, 所有IP荣誉材料必须包含在电子作品集中(将提供电子作品集的模板).



Once it is complete, your 教师的导师 formally approves your e-portfolio by 发邮件caiep@tamascandle.net. To indicate their final approval, you will upload their email into your e-portfolio. 之后,发一封电子邮件到 caiep@tamascandle.net 说明您已完成这些步骤. 这必须最迟在毕业前一个月进行(UNECOM学生最迟在第三年5月)。. 


在您的电子投资组合最终批准后, CAIEP will share your name and achievement with your program for recognition at graduation, and a certificate will be uploaded to your e-portfolio. The link to your micro-credential will be emailed to you from Credly. 微证书是你的IP荣誉成就的数字证据,可以上传到LinkedIn或其他专业网站.

Download a complete description of the honors distinction and components (PDF)


What is the IP 荣誉的区别 Microcredential/Badge?


How does the IP 荣誉的区别 Microcredential work?

学生 may pursue the IP Honors Microcredential or their entire academic career, 毕业时颁发.


本科生需修三门课程,研究生需修四门课程 IPE事件 and complete an immersive interprofessional team project. Each event must be documented by a one-page written reflection, to be uploaded to an IP Honors e-portfolio.

团队项目完成后, the student must present their work to an interprofessional audience. Their presentation must then be uploaded to the e-portfolio. Requirements for the distinction may differ between programs. Faculty mentors can confirm the elements that the e-portfolio must include. 


你必须选择一位教师导师, either from your program or in another discipline who has agreed to serve in this capacity. Faculty mentors evaluate student reflections, team projects, and final presentations. Each student on the team project will have their own 教师的导师. 


You must be in good academic standing and have a proven track record of professionalism, 无论是在校园里还是在临床环境中, 获得知识产权荣誉称号. 与教师导师的沟通是成功的关键,也是这种区别的标准.


CAIEP提供在线工具,允许项目跟踪和管理申请过程和电子投资组合. CAIEP provides the certificate and micro-credential one month before graduation.

CAIEP offers a poster session each semester for team projects to be presented. 您也可以选择其他地点向公众展示您的作品,但您必须事先获得CAIEP的批准.


You must identify a 教师的导师 and complete an 申请表.

  • The 申请表 is completed by the student. 教师导师表示他们愿意作为导师通过电子邮件发送他们的意图 caiep@tamascandle.net
  • The 教师的导师 supports the student through the distinction process.
  • Undergraduate students are required to attend three (3), and graduate students are required to attend four (4), 知识产权的事件. 教师导师可以确认电子作品集必须包含的任何项目特定元素.  
  • 学生 must write a one-page reflection for each event. It is expected that each reflection will address at least one competency.
  • 申请表填妥后, CAIEP提供了电子投资组合模板的链接以及完成电子投资组合的说明. 学生有责任将他们的反思上传到电子作品集,并与他们的教师导师和cece@une分享.edu.
  • 学生 must participate in an interprofessional team project offered by CAIEP, or another that is authorized by CAIEP staff. 
  • 学生必须在每个秋季和春季学期结束时向CAIEP海报会议等跨专业观众展示他们的项目. 
  • 当电子作品集完成后,学生必须与他们的导师分享链接并通过电子邮件发送给 caiep@tamascandle.net. 一旦完成, 电子作品集必须以电子邮件caipe@une的形式获得教师导师的最终批准.edu. 
  • Some programs will keep a copy of the 申请表 in the student’s file.
  • No later than one month prior to graduation, 教师导师将通过电子邮件向CAIEP表明该学生有资格获得-并且应该获得-这一荣誉. 此时,CAIEP将把证书上传到电子作品集并颁发微型证书. You can then attach it digitally to LinkedIn, a website, a resume, etc.

Any faculty member at the University of New England can serve as your 教师的导师. 

Can I write one of my four reflections on IPTI (or other immersive IP experience)?

如果使用IPTI(或其他沉浸式IP体验)来完成IP荣誉的跨专业团队项目部分, you cannot also write one of your four reflections on that experience. 这四个反思和跨专业团队项目是IP荣誉的两个独立组成部分. 


CAIEP staff are happy to help you find an interprofessional team project. 存在一些机会, 包括(但不限于)IPTI, 服务学习项目, AHEC, or a student-led initiative like an IP Mini-grant.

If you want to create your own project, check in with CAIEP by emailing caipe@tamascandle.net to make sure that all requirements have been met.

My mentor approved my application, do they need to approve my e-portfolio too?

是的, your 教师的导师 must approve both your application and four reflections, 以及您完整的电子投资组合.