
The 促进跨专业教育与实践中心 will be a nationally recognized leader in campus-to-community interprofessional, 跨学科, 合作教育, 实践, 奖学金, 和研究.


To transform 教育 in health care and other fields by preparing future and practicing professionals with the knowledge, 值, and skills needed to participate as members and 领导人 of dynamic collaborative clinical and community teams.

Collaborative learning environments are where 教育 and collaborative 实践 come together to improve the overall health and well-being of people and society with the goal of delivering the greatest value to individuals, 家庭, 人口, 系统, 和社区.

Building and enhancing students’ skills for the contemporary workplace are foundational goals of the 促进跨专业教育与实践中心. 与教师和社区利益相关者密切合作, we endeavor to stay abreast of the myriad of changes in health care (physical, 口服, 和行为), 公共和人口健康(预防), 教育, 宣传, 和系统), 跨学科研究, and fields where collaborative initiatives aim to serve the greater good.

The 促进跨专业教育与实践中心 builds collaborative learning environments (CLE) inclusive of the following:

  1. Interprofessional 健康 科学s Education and Collaborative 健康 Care Practice
    1. Competencies: We value the core 能力 that guide cross-professional teamwork and that enable members of health disciplines to be effective practitioners. 这些能力包括:
      • Fidelity between classroom learning and clinical and community care delivery
      • Relationally- and culturally-informed skills for team-based 实践1
      • Cross-professional and patient-centered 沟通 skills
      • Promotion of psychological safety whereby everyone feels free to speak up, 问问题, 声音的担忧, 无论他们在团队中扮演什么角色,都要提出建议
      • Knowledge of one’s role and that of others to promote the health of patients and 人口
      • 培育以相互尊重为基础的文化
    2. Safety and Quality: We value the 实践 of interpersonal, interprofessional, 组织, and systemic behaviors that result in reduced risks to and improved outcomes for health care consumers.
    3. Social Justice and 健康 as a Human Right: We value the application of core principles that advocate for the right of every person, 不管情况如何, 获得最好的健康, 福利, 以及当代科学的社会关怀, 我们相信,必须尊重地提供护理, 没有偏见和判断.
      1. Patient/Person Centeredness: We value the cultivation and support of attitudes and skills that:
        • Empower health and social care recipients and stakeholders
        • 整合患者/家庭/社区的专业知识
        • 促进共同决策
  2. 文化谦逊:我们重视以下意愿:
    1. Learn about, from, and with diverse individuals and cultures
    2. Respect the perspectives, 值, and preferences of others
    3. 使用符合文化和语言的沟通方式
    4. Maintain a welcoming environment respectful of diverse perspectives and backgrounds
  3. Collaborative Leadership: We value the development collaborative and cross-disciplinary skills for promoting respectful 沟通, 断言, and 宣传 based on relevancy -- not on predetermined roles.
  4. Student Empowerment: We value the recognition that students, 作为未来的从业者, 领导人, 政策制定者, 改变的媒介, are necessary and respected informants to collaborative 教育.
  5. Learning Through the Arts and Humanities: We value engagement with the humanities as a means to realize the intersectionality of all disciplines and value art as a mechanism to bring marginalized voices into 教育 to foster empathy and promote 宣传 for individuals, 人口, 以及毕业生将居住和服务的社区.

卫生教育的趋势与卫生保健的趋势平行. 学习成果, 能力, and accreditation standards across health 教育 mandate that curricula include “knowledge and skills in teamwork, 沟通, 卫生信息系统, 质量和过程改进, 健康的社会决定因素, 和人口健康”(认真) & 布兰德,2014). 学生 graduating from programs that emphasize such foundational knowledge and skills go to the front of the employability line (Dow, 蓝色的, 科恩康拉德, 等, 2012).


The Center’s response to workplace and 教育 trends is to create a continuum of interconnected, 交互式学习流. 借鉴学术最佳实践, we believe that effective 沟通 and team-based skills are best taught sequentially, 通过搭建学习活动, 包括了解所需的能力, 课堂教学, demonstration in pre-clinical/professional simulation-based settings, and application of and reflection upon knowledge and proficiency in a range of 实践/workforce settings. We further subscribe to learning that is relational; knowledge, 值, and skills are best developed in the context of interpersonal relationships. 随着内容的传播, relational learning methods attend to how information is shared, within the context of psychological safety and mutual respect.

1 .跨专业教育协作. (2016). Core 能力 for interprofessional collaborative 实践: 2016 update. 华盛顿特区:跨专业教育合作.