Immediate Assistance

If you need emergency assistance, please dial 911 for local police or (207) 283-0176 for UNE Security.


Sharing a Concern

我们理解有时候学生的学习经历可能会遇到困难. This may be personal, emotional, psychological, academic, involve substance abuse, or other challenges. We want each student to thrive at UNE and succeed in their pursuits. 你的担心可能只是学生负面经历的一部分,可以提醒我们进行干预.


Any member of the UNE community, including students, faculty, professional staff, administrators, or parents/family can share a concern. Anonymous concerns will be accepted. Concerns can be shared in person, by phone, or by filing a report.

File a Report

Share a Concern by Phone or in Person

  • Division of Student Affairs: (207) 602-2372
  • Graduate and Professional Student Affairs: (207) 221-4212
  • Housing and Residential/Commuter Life: (207) 602-2272
  • Title IX Compliance Officer: (207) 221-4554

sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking

To report sexual assault, dating violence, 或为调查目的跟踪,请致电(207)602-2298与安全与安保办公室联系(仅限非紧急情况).

After a Concern is Shared

关注事项由符合关注事项类型的UNE专业人员进行审查. 然后,专业人员可能会联系学生进行调查,并在必要时提供帮助. 我们的目标是帮助学生克服手头的问题,同时保持一个健康和安全的校园环境. 当发现学生对自己或他人造成伤害威胁时,可以立即采取措施.

If you have decided to include your name and information, 我们可能会联系您以获取更多信息或澄清您在报告中包含的内容. Because of the sensitive nature of many situations, you will likely not hear about the outcome of the report you submitted. This is standard and protects student privacy. Information is shared only on a need-to-know basis.

正规澳门赌场网络的关怀团队致力于通过积极主动的合作方式来帮助可能处于危险中的学生,从而促进校园安全. 该团队评估和干预可能对校园社区的安全和福祉构成威胁的情况.  Comprised of professional staff across the University, 关怀小组协调信息,并为关注的学生制定支持计划. CARE团队的目标是同步一个资源网络,重点是预防和早期干预那些经历痛苦或从事有害或破坏性行为的学生.

分享担忧的主要目的是帮助防止现有问题恶化, especially when someone is perceived to be a danger to themselves or others. 寻求帮助的学生通常不会被采取行动,除非他们的行为证明有这种需要. Behaviors that could arise in charges against someone include but are not limited to (a) unlawful distribution of alcohol or drugs; (b) sexual assault; (c) sexual harassment; (d) causing or threatening physical harm; (e) causing damage to property; and (f) hazing. Regardless of the situation, when you are concerned about someone’s well-being you should ask for help.

Terms Defined

Bias-related incident

“偏见相关”一词是指表现出对某人有偏见的语言和/或行为, but not limited to, others’ actual or perceived: race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, creed, color, genetic information, physical or mental disability, HIV status, or status as a veteran.*偏见将被视为违反政策和行为准则的加重情节, regardless of its category. Consequently, bias-related violations may result in a more serious action up to, and including, permanent separation from the University.

Examples may include defacement of posters or signage, intimidating comments or messages, vandalism to personal or University property, or similar acts, 如果有证据表明,选择目标或受害者是因为上面列出的特征. Please be aware, however, 这只是因为一个想法或观点的表达可能会冒犯或煽动一些人, it is not necessarily a bias-related incident. 大学重视言论自由和公开交流思想,表达有争议的想法和不同的观点是大学话语的重要组成部分. While this value of openness protects controversial ideas, 它不保护针对违反政策和行为准则的个人的骚扰或表达偏见或仇恨.


Bias Incident Response Team

在处理报告的偏见事件时,偏见事件响应小组负责担任正规澳门赌场网络的“第一反应”小组. Additionally, in working closely with appropriate administrators, students, faculty, committees, BIRT在培养包容的校园氛围和在偏见和仇恨事件发生时支持目标个人方面发挥教育作用. 该团队拥有广泛的成员,以支持和肯定大学的教育使命和全球社区和多样性的核心价值.

Campus climate

Also referred to as “campus culture,” the current attitudes, behaviors and standards of faculty, staff, administrators, and students concerning the level of respect for individual needs, abilities, and potential.


Consent is informed, freely and actively given, 相互理解的言语或行为,表示愿意参与双方同意的性活动. There is no consent if it results from the use of physical force, threats, intimidation, coercion, or the person giving consent is incapacitated. Consent, once freely and actively given, may be withdrawn at any time. Consent may never be obtained through the use of force, coercion, 或者恐吓,或者受害人有精神或身体残疾或无行为能力, including through the use of drugs or alcohol.

Hate crime

A hate crime is the violence of intolerance and prejudice, intended to hurt and intimidate, committed against a person, 犯罪分子因种族而对个人或群体的特定特征产生偏见,从而导致犯罪分子的财产或社会行为, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, age or physical or mental disability.

Hate crimes are criminal offenses that include acts such as physical assault, stalking, cyberstalking, criminal threatening, intimidation, terrorizing, criminal use of explosives, arson, vandalism or other damage to property, reckless conduct, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or hate mail.

All hate crimes are bias incidents, but not all bias incidents are hate crimes.

Sexual Misconduct

这是一个广义的术语,包括任何未经同意或使用武力的不受欢迎的性行为, coercion, or intimidation.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently sever, persistent or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with, 否认或限制某人参与或从大学的教育计划和/或活动中受益的能力,并以权力和创造敌对环境为基础.

Additional Resources

UNE Counseling Services
Biddeford: (207) 602-2549
Portland: (207) 221-4550

Student Health Center
Biddeford: (207) 602-2358
Portland: (207) 221-4242

Student Access Center
Biddeford: (207) 602-2815
Portland: (207) 221-4418

Title IX Resources
(207) 221-4554

Intercultural Student Engagement
(207) 602-2461

Global Education Program
(207) 602-2462