Take Foreign Language Classes at UNE

We recognize the value of an international perspective informed by the study of foreign languages. As such, UNE offers instruction in 西班牙语, 法国, and 阿拉伯语.

Because we want the learning that occurs in our classrooms to be as useful as possible to your experiences in the real world, we complement the traditional instruction you receive in each language with a cultural exploration of the language.


Study a language of critical importance to the U.S. 国务院, as well as to many other governmental agencies, NGOs, and corporations

阿拉伯语 is the foundation for one of the world’s great religions and for an ancient philosophical and literary traditions. It is spoken by more than 300 million people across North Africa, 中东, the Persian Gulf region and Central Asia. It is also regarded as a language of critical strategic importance by the U.S. 国务院, and is essential to the work being done in many other governmental agencies, 非政府机构及企业.

Learning 阿拉伯语 will provide you with a deeper comprehension of the misunderstandings many westerners have about Arab culture, and will position you to build bridges between our culture 和irs. Having coursework in 阿拉伯语 on your resume will also signal to prospective employers and graduate programs that you are intelligent, 上进心强,乐于学习.


study the language of fashion, 精美的食物, 伟大的文学作品, 非凡的艺术, 和爱

法国 is the second language of Northern New England and an official language of Canada, one of the United States’ most important trade partners. It is spoken by more than 200 million people in 43 countries on five continents. More than that, its influence on U.S. culture can be felt in practically every aspect of American life. Think of filet mignon, pie à la mode and J’adore Dior. Who wouldn’t want to speak fluently in the language of high fashion, 精美的食物, 伟大的文学作品, 非凡的艺术, 和爱?

The ability to speak 法国 can open doors to graduate school, or careers in fields like fashion, 医学, 工程与技术. France is a world leader in medical research, 航空航天技术, 核物理, and many other cutting-edge scientific and technological sectors.  



Study the second most commonly spoken language in the U.S., and one that dovetails nicely with UNE’s 拉丁美洲研究

As the Latino population in the United States continues to grow at an exponential rate, fluency in 西班牙语 becomes increasingly useful in a number of fields. This is especially true in health care, government and education. 此外, the growing geopolitical importance of Latin America makes 西班牙语 more and more useful to those hoping to enter one of the U.S. 对外服务机构.

You leave our program with an ability to speak 西班牙语 but also with a cultural knowledge of Spain 和 Latin American countries. This knowledge extends into politics, literature, history, music, movies, and even foods. Our instruction is complemented by the 小 in 拉丁美洲研究 和 全球教育计划, both of which offer opportunities for study abroad and volunteer missions. These trips allow you to fine-tune your language skills and cultural acumen in places like Spain and Peru. ¿Están列出了一个提示? ¡Vamonos!