
你是否热衷于为各种各样的学习者提供高质量的教育,并让孩子们在课堂上取得成功? As a Special Education 主要 at UNE, 你不仅会学到基于证据的策略来实现这些目标, 但你也会发现如何把你的知识付诸实践,在一个成功的职业生涯作为一个特殊教育教师. Through our flexible 课程, 批判性思维能力的发展, 以及在各种教育环境中与学生打交道的丰富的实际经验, you’ll graduate with a Special Education teaching certification in hand, plenty of experience under your belt, 以及一种想要改变你内心的渴望.


为什么你的B是UNE.S. in Special Education

正规澳门赌场网络的特殊教育课程设计具有最大的灵活性, allowing for double 主要s, 未成年人, and study abroad experiences. You’ll have regular field experience, beginning your very first semester, 正规澳门赌场网络很强大, 与当地学校的合作关系和良好的声誉会让你在毕业后获得就业机会.

  • 同意在缅因州公立学校系统实习的特殊教育专业学生可以 apply for a scholarship 每学期1000到5000美元不等.
  • 尽早定期到教室进行实地考察,以获得最大的经验
  • 能够修双专业并获得双证书
  • Close working relationships with faculty
  • 优秀的毕业生就业率

Thanks to the UNE Education Department, I had ample opportunities to implement and observe the impact of effective, research-based strategies with special education students in local schools. 参加正规澳门赌场网络的特殊教育课程是非常有益的.

Elementary Education

你将学习什么? 特殊教育学位课程概述

我们的特殊教育专业设计得很灵活, 让你, 如果你愿意, 与我们的其他学位课程一起主修双学位, including Psychology; Social Work; 健康, 健康, and Occupational Studies; and more. You may even double 主要 in Elementary/Middle Education to earn dual certifications.

B.S. in Special Education Courses


  • Special Education Methods
  • Inclusive Classroom Management
  • 支持患有自闭症和严重残疾的个人
  • 评估和纠正具有挑战性的行为

Special Education Teaching Certificate



CAS Core Requirements学分
Program Required Courses学分
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 206 – Foundations of Lit/Lang Dev3
EDU 373 – Teaching Mathematics, K-83
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
SPE 220 -课堂中的例外3
SPE 300 – Special Education Methods or SPE 315 -支持自闭症学生3
SPE 301 – Inclusive Classroom Management3
SPE 350 – Special Education Law3
SPE 405 -包容性方法和基于数据的决策3
SPE 410 -评估和纠正具有挑战性的行为3
SPE 486 – Special Education Practicum3
SPE 490 – Spec Edu Internship/Seminar12
Minimum Total Required 学分120


To learn more about the program see the 学术目录.

Changes were made to this program in an addendum to the 2022/23 academic calendar. Please see the 2022–2023 Catalog Addendum (PDF) for the most recent information. 一如既往地, 建议学生在课程和项目规划方面寻求学术顾问的指导. In this way, you will be able to access all the most up-to-date information available.

A U N E students reads to two elementary school special education students


As a Special Education teacher, you will be qualified for a variety of positions, including:

  • Resource Room Teacher
  • Life Skills Teacher
  • Emotional Support Teacher
  • Autism support Teacher

You will possess excellent employability amid a national special education teacher shortage. Within the Northeast, special education has been identified as a “hotspot” (Emsi Occupation Snapshot Report, 2019), offering higher than average median salary, number of job postings, and rate of employment.

职业建议 for B.S. in Special Education 学生

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 is here to help you plan your next step.

Student Success by The Numbers


of undergrads employed or in ongoing higher education within one year of graduating

2016-2022 UNE graduate surveys

在缅因州 找工作

Zippia 2023

Experiential Learning in the Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education Program

Turn theory into practice. Take what you learn in the classroom 和一个pply it to real-world situations. 每学期, 通过与各种残疾学生一起工作的实践经验,你将获得在特殊教育领域成为一名专业人士所需的技能和信心, 包括学习/智力/情感行为障碍, autism spectrum disorder, 以及注意力缺陷/多动障碍.

Fieldwork in Schools

  • 在资源室或通识教育课上与学生一起工作
  • Conduct assessments
  • 观察和收集行为计划制定的数据
  • Work in specialized classes for students with high support needs or behavior challenges
  • 参加IEP会议
  • 与职业治疗师和社会工作者合作

实习 for Special Education Majors

Your hands-on learning culminates with a 15-week student teaching internship, during which you’ll strengthen school relationships and networking connections. Local opportunities exist at:

  • Local public school systems
  • Special purpose schools
  • 学前教育网站


正规澳门赌场网络特殊教育专业的学生同意在缅因州公立学校系统实习,担任教育技术员,无论是兼职还是全职,都可以申请1美元以下的奖学金,000 to $5,000每学期.

Successful applicants will earn $1,000 per every recurring school day of the week that they work during a semester. For example, if you are able to work on Mondays, you will earn $1,000 for the semester. If you are able to work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, you will earn $3,000 for the semester.

除了你工作的学区直接支付的正常工资外,你还将获得奖学金. Even the cost of your educational technician state certification will be covered.



  • 除了工资之外还有奖学金
  • Full-time or part-time positions (job sharing is encouraged among part-timers)
  • Semester-by-semester commitment
  • 正规澳门赌场网络教育部门协助寻找职位
  • 缅因州教育技术员认证的费用
  • 工作时间计入该专业的实地工作要求
  • Opportunity to build relationships in school districts that may lead to jobs after graduation


欲了解更多信息或申请,请联系奥黛丽·巴塞洛缪博士.D.特教项目协调员,副教授 abartholomew1@tamascandle.net or (207) 602-2685.

Priority will be given to candidates from underrepresented groups and/or rural areas.

Meet Kaylee, Education ’22

在你参加我们的教师培训课程的第一学期期间, 你在学校里和孩子们一起工作. Watch what UNE student Kaylee Blake has to say about her time as an education student at UNE.


除了在国外度过一个学期的机会, 您可以选择参加我们的教育相关或其他 short-term travel course


EDU 242:全球背景下的比较教育

Dr. 莱恩克拉克

本课程研究比较教育理论和哲学,以考察不同背景下的教育,包括在期末考试后的5月中旬在爱尔兰度过8天. 你扩展了你对社会的认识,并通过学校的制度来了解社会是如何运作的. 在爱尔兰, you visit schools and learn about Irish culture and history by touring castles, the famous Cliffs of Moher, and the Aran Islands. Other highlights may include exploring the Ring of Kerry and spending time in Galway, 软木塞, Kinsale, 和基拉尼的.


Ready to begin your future in 一个的 B.S. in Special Education degree program?


Can special education be a 主要?

是的, a 主要 in special education equips you for a career in a school setting, 为你教残疾学生做准备. 这个专业的学生可以在幼儿园、初中或高中担任教育工作者.

正规澳门赌场网络教育学院提供特殊教育 主要 和一个 小. 我们的B.S. 在缅因州的特殊教育项目中,教授基于证据的策略,使各种各样的学习者和环境都能接受高质量的教育. 学生将发现如何把他们的知识付诸实践,在一个成功的职业生涯作为一个特殊教育教师.


特殊教育学位为你开辟了多种职业道路, 从教育机构内的教学到提供咨询或为私人学习中心提供帮助. A few career paths that a special education degree can prepare you to fulfill include:

  • Special Education Teacher
  • Behavior Specialist
  • Early Intervention Specialist
  • 教育的作家
  • Special Education Advocate
  • Special Education Consultant
  • Speech Language Pathologist

Graduates of 一个的 B.S. in Special Education program have gone on to hold jobs as resource room teachers, life skills teachers, emotional support teachers, 和一个utism support teachers. 总的来说,UNE提供 职业建议 to help graduates plan their next step. 教育学士学位毕业生100%在毕业后6个月至1年内就业或继续接受高等教育. 100% of 2022 and 2023 教育学院 毕业生在毕业后就业或就读研究生院.

全国都需要特殊教育教师. Based on information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for special education teachers has maintained a steady growth pattern, 与更广泛的教学领域的平均趋势相似, in the period spanning from 2014 to 2024. 缅因州教育部也报告了一份报告 根据2023-2024学年的一份报告,残疾学生的教师短缺. This demand for special education teachers allows them to be selective in where they work, 使他们能够选择一个支持和欢迎的学校工作.


Special education teachers usually require a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, 这需要大约四年的全日制学习. Depending on location, they also commonly need a teaching certification. 通过特殊教育学士课程, 学生学习科目,如量身定制的教学方法, diagnostic evaluation, and promoting positive behavior. 学生也被安排在附近的教室完成实地考察和履行学生的教学义务,以发展实用的课堂技能.

公立学校和私立学校在聘用特殊教育教师方面通常有不同的标准. Public schools often mandate state certification for special education teachers, while private schools may not. The specific educational requirements, such as whether a bachelor’s or master’s degree in special education is necessary, 会因学校和州的不同而不同吗.

一个的 特殊教育理学学士学位 在缅因州获得特殊教育证书. 正规澳门赌场网络特殊教育专业的学生毕业时将具备这些技能, 知识, 以及在K-12学校环境中教育各种残疾学生的倾向. 另外, this 主要 has been designed using existing education courses as a foundation, enabling students to double 主要 in general education and special education.

At the completion of their bachelor’s degree in Special Education, UNE students will be able to:

  • 表现出对特殊儿童初始教师准备标准的掌握
  • 通过问责和参与展示专业精神
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral formats
  • Demonstrate appropriate dispositions as defined by professional expectations


在决定哪个特殊教育项目适合你的时候,有很多因素需要考虑,包括教师, 课程, 的职业目标, location and environment, 财政援助. To help decide whether the B.S. in Special Education at UNE is right for you, take a look at the following factors:

  • Close working relationships with the 教育学院 faculty.
  • An experiential education including regular field experience, beginning your very first semester.
  • Strong, 与当地学校的合作关系和良好的声誉会让你在毕业后获得就业机会.
  • 灵活的课程设置使您能够在基础教育和特殊教育中获得双专业和双证书.
  • 正规澳门赌场网络特殊教育专业奖学金 他们同意在缅因州公立学校系统实习,担任教育技术员,工资从1美元到1美元不等,000 to $5,000每学期.
  • 成功完成该专业符合缅因州特殊教育教师认证计划的所有要求.
  • Study-abroad choices 包括一个学期出国或加入我们的相关教育或其他 short-term travel courses.

本科s of the UNE 教育学院 study on the scenic Biddeford Campus. The Biddeford campus boasts 4,000 feet of shoreline in a famous vacation spot.

Is special education a good 主要?

是的, 由于对专业技能的高需求,特殊教育专业的学生的工作保障非常好. 对于那些有兴趣与残疾学生一起工作的人, 与传统教育学位相比,选择特殊教育学位有很多优势. These benefits include:

  • Job security – Due to teacher shortages, 目前大多数教学职位都很抢手, especially educators with specialized training in specific areas like special education.
  • 独特的机遇和挑战——因为特殊教育的中心是满足学生的个人需求, there is a greater opportunity for collaborative teamwork among teachers, 治疗师, and other stakeholders.
  • 直接与学生交流——特殊教育教师通常会花更多的时间与学生进行一对一的交流,因为他们经常与相同的学生一起工作.

Why is special education important?

特殊教育很重要,因为它支持学生独特的学习需求,包括各种各样的残疾和学习差异. 根据 National Education Association (NEA), 大约有700万残疾学生, 大约占所有公立学校学生的14%, 接受全国公立学校特殊教育服务.

If you 主要 in special education, 你的就业前景会很好,因为包括缅因州和整个新英格兰在内的全国都缺乏特殊教育教师.

UNE students have the ability to work with our Academic and 职业建议 Center. It doesn’t matter if you have a clear career goal or just a general interest in a field.

Learn more about 职业建议 at UNE