
学生, 专业人员, 教师, 和 visitors who wish to park on the Portl和 or Biddeford campuses must display a parking permit. 有车辆的学生应到学校登记 允许存储. 在许可证商店搜索栏中输入“UNE”,可获得各种停车选择. Temporary parking permits are furnished to guests of the University 和 part-time employees. 有关停车许可证的更多信息,请 查看我们的停车政策


安全的旅程 is a campus shuttle service that makes regular stops across UNE's Biddeford校园. Service is anticipated to begin on the first day of classes 和 will run from 7:30 a.m. 到晚上11:30.m. 周一至周五下午3:30.m. 到晚上11:30.m. 在周末. The shuttle will stop service during driver lunch 和 dinner times, so please plan accordingly. 记得带上你的学生证,因为是学生, 教师, 专业人员在使用之前需要刷身份证.



教师, 专业人员, 和学生 can ride the 毕夏普街穿梭巴士 between the satellite parking lot at Bishop Street 和 the 波特兰的校园. 航天飞机从早上7点开始连续运行.m.–7 p.m. 在学年的工作日. 在司机午餐和晚餐休息时间,服务将暂停.

假期服务中断, 学校休息, 而夏季则通过社区公告进行宣传.

看看我们的地图,看看毕肖普街的班车在哪里 从毕肖普街的暖房获取实时显示信息, 哪个是对全体教员开放的, 专业人员, 以及持有新学号的学生.


交通运输是美国最大的温室气体排放源.S., accounting for nearly 27% of all the planet-warming gases produced in our country. The bulk of these emissions (almost 60%) come from the nation’s 250 million passenger vehicles.

UNE is committed to making alternative modes of transportation accessible to its community, 希望将道路上的乘用车数量降至最低. Explore ways that you can reduce your transportation-related carbon footprint on 和 around campus. 坐公共汽车, 拼车, 合伙使用汽车, 自行车, 或者利用我们的校园电动汽车充电站. 在正规澳门赌场网络,总有一条更环保的路要走.



提供一周七天的固定时间表, BSOOB公交公司的银线 交通工具, 专业人员, 以及往返比德福德校区和中美合作所交通中心的学生. From there, you can switch to several local buses to provide more flexibility for your commute. 你只需要出示一张新身份证. 访问BSOOB Transit网站 为路线,时间表,和新的公交定位工具.



正规澳门赌场网络的学生、教师和专业人员可以乘坐 大波特兰地铁南波特兰巴士 凭学生证免费领取. 大波特兰地铁服务韦斯特布鲁克, 法尔茅斯, 波特兰半岛, 北至自由港和不伦瑞克. 南波特兰巴士 service the Southern Maine Community College 和 Willard Beach areas, 缅因购物中心地区, 在这两者之间, 并与波特兰半岛的GP地铁相连.

BSOOB Transit’s Zoom Turnpike Express offers weekday service from the Biddeford 和 Saco turnpike exits 和 from the Saco 运输 Center to downtown Portl和.


GO MAINE Commuter Connections is an online rideshare resource sponsored by the Maine Turnpike Authority 和 Maine Department of 运输. 这些组织为我们的教师创建了一个专门针对une的登陆页面, 专业人员, 和学生. 注册只需要几分钟,而且a 简报(PDF) to help users search broadly enough to find commuting partners but narrowly enough to make 合伙使用汽车ing a pleasant experience for everyone is provided. GO MAINE also offers rewards in the form of local vendor discounts 和 online coupons when users track their rideshares.


缅因州的电网由至少30%的可再生能源供电, 因此,驾驶电动汽车比使用化石燃料的汽车排放更少的碳. In an effort to encourage the adoption of this transportation alternative 和 support a lower-carbon transportation system, UNE provides charging stations on the Portl和 和 Biddeford校园es for our UNE community.


当你拿到批准的停车许可证时, 一个教师, 专业人员, 学生必须购买EV附加贴花. The decal is $100 for the Portl和 campus 和 $40 for the Biddeford校园 和 can be bought at ThePermitStore. You must park in the parking lots identified by your parking permit, regardless of EV status.


Purchasing an EV add-on decal will register you in our 电动汽车车主协作 program, where you will receive access to the contact information of other UNE charging station users. 您将收到有关该计划和扩展工作的定期更新, 并具备与其他用户协调的能力.


游客应该 给安全办公室发邮件 获得在校园内收费的一日通行证. Charging is on a first-come, first-served basis 和 is not guaranteed, please plan accordingly.


标志 at each charging station location provides instructions for charging access. 请电邮至 可持续发展办公室 or 安全与安保办公室 有问题的.




  • Alfond 论坛 Lot 31 General: Two Level 2 charging ports with four designated parking spaces in the parking lot.
  • Campus Center Lot 20 教师/Staff/Commuter 学生: Five Level 2 charging ports with ten designated parking spaces.
  • Campus Center Lot 7 教师/Staff: Two Level 2 charging ports with two designated parking spaces against the rear of the building. These chargers were installed with a grant that requires UNE to make them available to the public until February 2025, 而这个停车场仅限于教职员工停车, 社区成员目前也可以在这里收费.
  • 校友 Cottage Lot 1 教师/Staff: Two Level 2 charging ports with two designated parking spaces.


  • Bishop Street Lot 11 教师/Staff/学生: Eight Level 2 power-sharing charging ports with eight designated parking spaces, 在整个停车场的灯杆上有62个1层插座. 电动汽车车主必须自己提供充电电缆.
  • Ginn Hall Lot 5 教师/Staff/学生: Two Level 1 outlets against the rear of the building, 两个先到的, 先得车位.
  • Abplanalp Library Lot 6 教师/Staff/学生: Two Level 1 outlets against the rear of the building, 有一个先到者, 先得车位


There will be additional EV charging capacity behind the new Harold 和 Bibbey Alfond Center for 健康 科学s in fall 2024.


报名参加东北自行车共享计划, 在你的安卓或苹果手机上下载共享单车应用. 使用您的UNE电子邮件进行注册,并完成下面的提示. You will use the app to check out 和 return 自行车s as well as report damage or maintenance needs.

该程序是免费的。, 和自行车在三个地方提供:校园中心, 论坛, 和帕多瓦宿舍.

租期为4小时. You can use the integrated 自行车 lock to secure the 自行车 to any rack during your rental period. 您可以在户外娱乐网页上看到自行车架位置的列表.

Bikes may be taken off campus 和 transported on the Silver Line or other public buses. Bikes must be docked at one of the three docking stations at the end of your rental period or by 11 p.m.

有关东北自行车共享计划的问题或疑虑, 联系户外教育和娱乐协调员,电话:(207)602-2495.


开车去学校很贵. 停车 permits are prorated following each quarter 和 parking spaces are not guaranteed. 有很多方法可以让你不用开车去学校. 另外, first-year 和 transfer residential students (incoming fall classes only) who opt not to bring a car to campus may qualify for $300 financial incentives* for leaving their car at home. 今年的奖励措施包括:

  • $300 Flex美元可在校内和校外的特定餐饮场所使用
  • $300福莱特礼品卡可在UNE书店使用

*If you purchase a permit later, you will be billed for the 成本 of your incentive. 仅限于你在正规澳门赌场网络的第一年.


正规澳门赌场网络鼓励学生使用 Lyft 不符合公交时刻表的行程.

比德福德校区有两个指定的Lyft上下车地点, 在校园中心和阿方德论坛公交候车亭. 这款免费的应用程序可以用来叫车、联系司机和付款.

如果你有车的话, 25岁以上, 需要灵活的工作时间, 我想要一点额外的现金, 考虑成为Lyft司机. 校园里有Lyft司机可以提高效率, 成本, 以及服务的环境效益. 当我们可以互相帮助,为我们的社区服务时,这是很棒的.


(207) 602-2507





Biddeford, ME 04005-9599
(207) 602-2298