Medical Biology


Bachelor of Science with a major in Medical Biology
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Biological Sciences


Steven Travis, Ph.D.
Academic Director, School of Biological Sciences

Kristin Burkholder, Ph. D.
Assistant Academic Director, School of Biological Sciences


生物学是对生命世界的探索,强调并解释了生命的统一性和多样性. But it is also a truly human endeavor in that it affects us all. 因为我们生活在人类历史的这个时期——许多人认为这是一个生物时代的开端——学生们必须能够将生物学概念应用到他们不可避免地面临的一系列问题和选择中.

主修生物学课程的学生将熟悉从分子到生态系统的各个层次的生物组织,并在实验室和实地研究中获得实践经验. 小班授课使教师能够采用一种强调不同学科如何相互关联的学习方法, facilitates critical thinking, 并鼓励学生和教师之间的合作学习方法. 教授们希望学生们体验这种兴奋,看到生物学的应用,并将科学作为了解周围世界的一种方式来欣赏. In addition, the medical biology program stresses the importance of field opportunities, research experience, and experiential learning. 生物科学学院还提供生物科学研究生学位(硕士水平),详细介绍在本目录的研究生部分. 学校的医学相关项目受益于与骨科医学院以及正规澳门赌场网络物理治疗研究生项目的互动, occupational therapy, and physician assistant. Visit our graduate programs page for details.

Program Description

医学生物学专业旨在为最终从事人类医学职业的学生提供坚实的生物科学基础, dentistry, other health professions (e.g. physical therapy), biomedical research, or the biotechnology industry. 

医学方向为学生在分子生物学方面打下坚实的基础, cellular, tissue, organ, and organismal levels. In addition to the comprehensive introduction to general biology, 这方面的课程向学生介绍生理学的各个领域, biochemistry, cellular biology, and genetics. 本课程还包括进入医学和牙科学校的必修课程以及物理治疗研究生课程, Occupational Therapy, and other health professional programs. 本课程中许多以实验室为基础的课程使学生熟悉用于生物学研究的最新实验室技术, 对于希望进入生物医学研究生院或在生物技术行业工作的学生来说,这是一个优势. Finally, 该专业的学生有机会完成校外实习以获得大学学分(e).g. in a hospital, clinical, or laboratory setting).

This program is designed for: pre-medical students, pre-dental students, pre-veterinary students, 最终将进入生物科学研究生院的学生, and students who will eventually enter the biotechnology industry.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42
Program Required CoursesCredits
BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Ecology/Evolution w/LabCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular w/Lab4
BIO 214/214L – Genetics w/Lab4
BIO 245/245L – Gen Prin of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology I w/Lab4
BIO 345/345L -解剖学,生理学和病理生理学总负责人II /实验室5
BIO 370 – Cell and Molecular Biology3
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I w/Lab or CHE 150/150L – University General Chemistry I w/Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II w/Lab or CHE 151/151L – University General Chemistry II w/Lab4
CHE 210/210L/210S – Organic Chemistry I w/Lab and LabLecture or CHE 250/250L/250S – University Organic Chemistry I w/Lab and LabLecture5
CHE 211/211L/211S – Organic Chemistry II w/Lab and LabLecture or CHE 251/251L/251S – University Organic Chemistry II w/Lab and LabLecture5
CHE 310/310L – Fundamentals of Biochemistry w/Lab4
MAT 150 – Statistics for Life SciencesCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
MAT 190 – Calculus I4
PHY 110 – Physics I or PHY 210 – University Physics I4
PHY 111 – Physics II or PHY 211 – University Physics II4
BIO 200-level or higher elective*3–4
BIO 400-level or higher capstone course**3–4
Total Credits60–62
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

*Not satisfied by BIO 210, BIO 295 or Internship/Research/Speaker Series
**Not satisfied by BIO 410, BIO 495 or Internship/Research courses

Learning Outcomes


  • Knowledge of fundamental principles in biology, relevant concepts in mathematics and the physical sciences, 以及运用这些知识对新的生物信息进行批判性分析的能力, in the following areas:
    • Molecular and Cellular Basis of Life — including cell structure, metabolism, heredity, and reproduction.
    • Organismal Diversity — including organismal structure and function, hierarchy of organization, and the evolution of life.
    • 生物及其环境的相互关系-包括非生物和生物的相互作用, biogeochemical cycles; ecosystems and their dynamics, and human actions and interventions.
  • Understanding of the process of science, as well as demonstrated competency in biological research, with a particular emphasis on:
    • The scientific method, including observational, comparative, and experimental approaches and the tools utilized.
    • A critical reading of the primary scientific literature.
    • Data analysis, interpretation, 科学成果的交流(包括口头报告和科学报告写作).
  • 认识到生物科学与现实世界问题的相关性,包括:
    • 熟悉当前和未来研究的途径和应用,以及使用它们的职业.
    • Bioethical issues and their biological and social basis.
    • 承认公民有责任分享知识和运用专门知识来改善人类和环境健康.


The medical biology minor requires six (6) biology courses, including the introductory biology series. In particular, 希望辅修生物学的生物学专业学生必须在本专业必修课程之外选择四(4)门课程. 除了入门级的100级课程外,没有一门生物课程可以同时满足主辅要求.

Program Required CoursesCredits
BIO 214 – Genetics4
BIO 245 – General Principles of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology I4
BIO 345 – General Principles of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology II5
BIO 370 – Cell and Molecular Biology3
Total Credits16
Select One (1) Course BelowCredits
BIO 104/104L – General Biology w/Lab and BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular w/Lab8
BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Ecology/ Evolution w/Lab and BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular w/Lab8
Total Credits8
Minimum Total Required Credits24

Honors Program

We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. This includes significant research, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. Interested students should consult with their advisor.

Transfer Credit

以前在另一个认可的大学完成的课程可以转移到这个学位课程. 转学的生物学课程必须在范围和内容上与正规澳门赌场网络提供的生物学课程相当接近,才能被视为完全等同. Otherwise, they will transfer as general electives. 所有以前完成的生物课程必须不超过8年.

Other options and restrictions apply. See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, degree criteria, policies, 以及正规澳门赌场网络2024 - 2025学年的活动,并作为2024年夏季在大学入学的学生的学术和课程要求的官方指南, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters.

The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, calendar, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, class rescheduling, cancellations, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, 他们仍然有责任满足与入学年度相关的目录中列出的要求,并随时了解政策的任何更新, provisions, or requirements.