

医学生物学专业学士学位/Master of 科学 in Biological 科学s


乌苏拉年代.R. 玫瑰,Ph值.D.




The mission of the 生物科学学院 at the University of New Engl和 is to enable students to underst和 the real-world relevance of the biological sciences, 培养科学素养和批判性思维能力, 并为终身学习奠定基础而有意义, 对社会的有益贡献. 

The mission of the Master of 科学 in Biological 科学s program is to prepare outst和ing graduate students for careers or further training in science, 技术, 和 education by providing an advanced knowledge base 和 a working knowledge of research methods in the biological sciences. 


The Biological 科学s 4+1 program offers advanced classroom training 和 research experience to students interested in a wide variety of biological topics, 包括生态, 分子生物学, 微生物学, 和生理学. 学生 will conduct research 和 prepare a thesis under the mentorship of a faculty member. This degree requires a total of thirty-six (36) credits beyond the 医学生物学专业学士学位. 这包括至少二十六(26)个论文/研究学分(BIO 590), 生物科学研究生研讨会(bio510)一学分, 研究方法(BIO 503)三(3)学分, 外加六(6)个500级课程学分. A maximum of twelve (12) course credits at the five-hundred (500)-graduate level can double count towards 这两个 本科 研究生学位要求. 


  • Provide a knowledge base in the biological sciences that is deeper than the typical undergraduate experience
  • Instill outst和ing research skills 和 a working knowledge of the scientific method by participating in high-quality research
  • 通过写作和口头报告培养科学沟通技巧


BIO 503 -研究方法3
生物510 -研究生研讨会1
BIO 590 -研究 & 论文26



继续参加生物科学的4+1项目, 学生的累积毕业GPA必须至少为3分.0. 平均分低于3分的学生.0 or who receives a grade below B- in any course taken for graduate credit will be placed on academic probation.


学生 have a maximum of five (5) years to complete the graduation requirements for 这两个 本科 和 M.S. 度. 两(2)学年(秋季和春季学期)后, students who have completed their coursework but are still completing their theses are required to enroll in a minimum of one (1) 论文 Writing/Data Analysis credit hour (BIO 595) per semester to remain in the program 和 the student needs to demonstrate satisfactory progress towards their degree completion. 在这种情况下, the student should contact Student Financial Services to determine whether this change from full-time status affects their financial aid.


一个4+1的学生,任何学期的GPA都低于3.0分,或累积绩点低于3分.0, or who receives a class grade below a B- for any class taken for graduate credit is automatically placed on probation. A student placed on academic probation will be granted one (1) fall or spring semester to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0分或以上,平均绩点必须达到3分.本学期成绩为0分,第二门课成绩不能低于B-. Any student who fails to meet these criteria will be considered for dismissal by the 生物科学学院 和 the Dean of the 文理学院.


  • 学生将展示其论文研究领域的专业知识
  • 学生 will demonstrate publication-level proficiency in written professional oral communication skills
  • 学生 will demonstrate mastery of the concepts 和 principles of the Biological 科学s
  • 学生 will demonstrate an underst和ing of research design 和 have the ability to carry out a research project


学生不能从其他研究生课程转学分. 然而, 如果学生已经在研究生阶段修过类似的必修课程, 他们可以替换另一个班, 包括论文和研究学分, 咨询他们的专业教授, 成绩必须达到B- or P or 最好把它算进研究生学位.



正规澳门赌场网络本科学历为3.总平均成绩5分,3分.5 GPA in all math 和 science courses are eligible to apply for the 4+1 program in Biological 科学s. 另外, applicants must have sponsorship from a faculty member in the 生物科学学院 who will serve as the thesis advisor 和 identify at least two (2) additional individuals (faculty or experts from outside of UNE) to serve on their thesis committee. The thesis committee will be comprised of at least three (3) members: The 论文 Advisor, 二(2)其他专业领域的学生的论文主题. At least two (2) of the committee members should be at the 生物科学学院 (SBS) or the School of Marine 和 Environmental Programs (SMEP). 第三名和任何其他成员可能来自这些学校或正规澳门赌场网络以外, but are expected to have a doctoral or other terminal degree with research expertise in the student’s thesis area. Exceptions to these rules may be made via petition to the Graduate Program Committee.

GRE成绩不需要申请该项目. Eligible students can apply to the 4+1 program between the second semester of their sophomore year 和 the second semester of their junior year. 


正规澳门赌场网络参加了 研究生集中申请服务(GradCAS). 所有申请人都必须通过这项服务在线申请.


A current resume is required 和 should be uploaded directly to the GradCAS application.



研究生1年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, 和 events of the University of New Engl和 for the 2024–2025 academic year 和 serves as the official guide for academic 和 program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
正规澳门赌场网络保留修改课程的权利, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year 和 for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.